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Global Compact for Migration - Gottfried Curio AfD
Gottfried Curio: Globaler Pakt für Migration [Bundestag 29.11.2018]
Speech on UN Global Compact Migration, AfD leader Alexander Gauland Migrationspakt English subtitles
AfD - Dr. Gottfried Curio: "Migration wird voraussetzungslos gemacht"
Globaler Pakt für Migration | Dr. Gottfried Curio
How migrant rights organisations can use the Global Compact for Migration
Gottfried Curio (AfD) zur Ablehnung des UN-Migrationspakts am 27.11.18
Migration and Climate Change in the Global Compact for Migration
SPD flippt wegen AfD-Antrag zum "Global Compact for Migration" aus! - Martin Hebner antwortet
Gottfried Curio – AfD – Migrationspakt – 29.11.2018
Panel Discussion: Global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration – from process to substance
The Monstrous UN GLOBAL COMPACT for MIGRATION / Another Gang R*pe In Germany